For Excellence in Builder Friendly Practices & Services
ROCKY MOUNT, North Carolina
At Chef Pietro Merendino’s Mama’s, the restaurante made famous in the book “In America Si Fa Cosi” (In America you do it this way), the crowd was thick & loud and the music all Italian. This haunt of Log Cabin staffers has hosted many celebrations but this one was very special.
Industry leader, Log Cabin Homes Ltd. was being recognized by the most prominent publication in the log and timber home industry, Log Home Living, for being the first company to receive the prestigious “Log Home Living Builder Friendly Award.”

Builder Friendly Award at the awards banquet in Rocky Mount, NC.
We’ve Got What It Takes To Do It!”
“To be considered for the ‘Builder Friendly’ award, a log and timber home manufacturing company has to meet a rigorous list of requirements—more than 20 categories of business development, collateral material and training,” says Joe Varda, Vice President of Log Home Living. “I’m proud to announce that Original Log Cabin Homes is the first in the log & timber home industry to not only meet but surpass these requirements. With the Builder Friendly designation, clients can rest assured that the relationship between Log Cabin Homes and builders and developers will be comprehensive, detailed—and above all—professional.”
After several too many Sicilian expresso coffees. Log Cabin President, Tom Vesce interrupted saying, “The solid foundation of the company cornerstoned with our large industry experienced staff is the real reason why we are recognized today.” He went on to say, “The award clearly recognizes the fact that we’ve got what it takes to do it!”
About the Award:
More people live in log & timber homes in the United States than ever before—more than half a million and counting. The log & timber home market constructs more than $4 billion worth of homes each year, according to the Log Home Living Institute. Because, among other things, these elegant residences offer a connection to nature and to our American heritage that no stick frame home can duplicate, Baby Boomers in record numbers are lining up for these rustic palaces.
But the industry has far more interested buyers than it does builders and developers to construct the homes. Builders and Developers interested in serving this niche market but don’t know where to start, can turn to Original Log Cabin Homes headquartered in Rocky Mount, NC. Because the company offers a comprehensive construction manual, builder training and a host of other services, it has received the “Builder Friendly” award from Log Home Living Magazine, the pre-eminent nationwide consumer publication that profiles innovative log & timber homes and companies.
The Builder Friendly designation means a log & timber home company offers architectural design & engineering services, log grading, a third-party quality assurance program, a comprehensive construction manual, construction training, a certified and dedicated customer service staff, written life-time warranty, on-site construction assistance, construction drawings, manufacturing & delivery capabilities, as well as having a written policy detailing the costs of design services and a host of other support services.